About Us

We are a 100% volunteer group which communicates information to help Democrats win solid control of the Washington State Senate and State House.

We don't ask for, collect, or disburse money. We are an information source for those who choose to sign up.

Anyone is welcome to receive our monthly updates. They provide actionable information about how to help Democratic candidates for State Senate and State House.

Our pledge:

1. We will not ask for money from anyone. Money given directly to campaigns has the most impact, so you should contribute money to them. We do not collect or accept money from anyone.

2. We will be minimal in how many emails we send. We promise you will receive at most 1-2 newsletter emails from us per month.

3. We will never sell or share anyone's email address to anyone. Ever. This is a promise we take very seriously.

Our Leadership:


Barak Gaster

Barak is a doctor working in Seattle. He's lived in Washington for 20 years, where he's now helping raise two daughters. He realized that there was an urgent opportunity for like-minded people to work together to improve our state, so he helped start Friends of Washington. He has no financial or formal ties to any political or commercial organization.


Sara Dickerman

Sara is a food writer living in Seattle. Because she’s devoted her career to bringing people together at the table, she jumped at the chance to join Friends of Washington and help fellow Washingtonians gather together to shape the future of our state. She has two children who attend Seattle Public Schools.


David Kaill 

David is a marketing and tech consultant in Seattle, and father of two school-aged young people. The opportunity to make a difference in local and state politics provides a great outlet for his energy and desire to help shape the future for the oncoming generations of Washingtonians.